Xolos de Gwinnett
(9 items)"Copa de la Diversión" is a season-long event series specifically designed to embrace the culture and values that resonate most with participating teams' local U.S. Hispanic/Latino communities. As part of Minor League Baseball's Copa de la Diversión initiative, the Gwinnett Stripers will transform into the Xolos de Gwinnett.
Gwinnett County is home to a thriving Hispanic community of nearly 200,000, the majority of which are of Mexican descent. Our new Copa de la Diversión identity honors an icon of Mexican culture, the Xolo, or Mexican hairless dog.
Xolos (pronounced "SHO-lows"), short for Xoloitzcuintli, are the National Dog of Mexico. The breed has existed for over 3,000 years, dating back to the Aztec empire when they were revered as guardians and protectors. Modern-day Xolos are known for intelligence, loyalty, and athleticism, traits that our team personifies every game at Coolray Field.